Dashboard: an essential tool for managing your supply chain

March 8, 2024

Data management is essential for any business in order to achieve its operational and strategic goals. Choosing a good data management tool - such as the logistics dashboard - is even more so!

Today, data management is an indispensable strategy for any business in order to achieve its operational and strategic goals.

The good use of data can make it possible to monitor your performance in order to increase the growth of your business and at the same time your turnover. However, data is often misused or poorly understood because it is not clear enough.

In the field of logistics, data is often scattered and very few use a dashboard that centralizes all the data. Indeed, data is shared via Excels, emails etc. which leads to the loss of some often important information.

The use of a logistics dashboard therefore seems to be an effective solution to overcome this problem.

What is a logistics dashboard?

It is a performance monitoring and management tool that allows you to have an overview of the company, whether to track goods, track trailers, have an idea of the various actors involved in the supply chain or to have visibility on the various hazards that may occur.

All data is centralized on the same platform. The information is therefore available at any time, by everyone and without the risk of errors.

However, in order to be effective, all information and indicators must be set up and structured in advance according to your needs.

Bringing all this data together on the same platform is a real opportunity to ensure better decision-making. Indeed, clear and relevant indicators will allow you to make informed decisions because you will have all the information in front of you as well as a general overview of all your equipment and goods.

The management of your transport activity is therefore optimized and the objectives set more easily attainable.

What are the advantages of setting up a logistics dashboard?

The implementation of a logistics dashboard allows the optimization of company performance in order to increase company results and productivity - and consequently customer satisfaction.

Indeed, the dashboard is a tool for supporting performance and optimizing business strategy. Here are a few benefits:

  • Alert system : When sending goods, there may be hazards. The dashboard will allow you to send alerts and notifications that will allow you to identify the various hazards detected - the areas where this is happening - in order to remedy these problems.
  • Apprenticeship system : By having a global visibility of the activity and the various hazards you will be able to retrieve a large amount of information allowing you to adapt your strategy for your future shipments. As they say” You learn from your mistakes ”.
  • Scheduling system : Having had a general visibility of all shipments - hazards, risk areas, etc. - you will be able to plan a new strategy and establish forecasts based on the information collected.

What are the tools to design a logistics dashboard?

Excel is a widely used tool in the field of logistics, however it remains very unreliable because all the data entered in the file is written manually.

Excel files are not always shared with all actors in the supply chain, so some information is missing — thus disrupting the supply chain.

An alternative to Excel therefore remains the external tool. These are solutions that allow you to have an overview of your supply chain and allow tasks to be automated.

This saves time and increases efficiency.

The solution Everysens allows companies to digitize their supply chain and thus more easily manage their transport flow thanks to a collaborative digital platform.

The solution Everysens allows collaboration between all actors in the supply chain, with real-time and predictive visibility of activities.

Thanks to this solution, you will have a visual on all the stages of the supply chain allowing you to improve your strategy if you notice any problems. Plus, the data is instantly accessible. You will therefore only have to connect to the platform to have all the data in front of your eyes without getting lost in all your Excel files.

In addition, the solution Everysens allows reporting with performance analysis that allows you to effectively follow the goals you set for yourself.

Want to learn a bit more? Plan a meeting with our team.